Driskill Mountain, LA – Highpoint July 2023

In July, prior to my trip to Missouri, I decided to do a “twofer” type trip and knock out a couple of US State Highpoints on the way there. So, I flew American Airlines to DFW, then to the tiny Texarkana Airport.

Let the adventure begin!

Originally I had planned to stay in Texarkana, the start of the challenge in Smokey and The Bandit, where Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed bootlegged 400 cases of Coors beer to Atlanta. BUT, after reading the above statistic, I decided to head to Louisiana instead.

why yes, lots of smart-ass selfies on this trip! My first time in Louisiana not in an airport!

I drove from Texarkana to just east of Shreveport, LA and spent the night in a hotel. Apparently there’s lots of violence there, too, so I didn’t go out and just went to bed. The next day I got as early start as I could muster (having lost 3 hours to time zones mind you) and headed about 90 min to the trailhead. Every bridge on the highway I crossed was over a Cypress swamp – classic Louisiana.

Not a county in Louisiana; its a Parish. “Good place” I think…
The Driskill Mtn trail starts next to the Mount Zion Presbyterian church. Man it was already so hot!!
“False Mountain” is an understatement. This is an actual trail to Driskill’s summit, unlike the road that is the main path.
The False Mountain Trail is very well marked. I miss hardwood forests but BOY do I not miss the heat and humidity!!
False Mountain trail, depicted in red, is a short stroll through a hardwood forest, replete with Chanterelles and is recommended over walking the road.
Obligatory summit selfie, Driskill Mountain, Louisiana. 535 feet above sea level, 7 July 2023
Commelina erecta, commonly known as the white mouth dayflower, slender dayflower, or widow’s tears, is a perennial herb native throughout the Americas, Africa and western Asia. It is considered to be the most variable species of Commelina in North America Wikipedia
view from summit of Driskill Mountain
The only view from the summit of Driskill Mountain, looking out the the Southeast. In person you can see some adjacent hills in the distance.
Summit cairn on Driskill Mountain, LA USA
Summit cairn
wide angle view of the summit of Driskill Mountain, Louisiana USA.
wide-angle view of the summit – not much going on here
Walking along this road on the way in, I briefly spotted what appeared to be two turkeys – except one was totally white! Did I see an albino?!?!?!
I didn’t expect to encounter pine trees!! Likely a Loblolly pine? no idea, 3 needles per stalk.
I saw two Armadillos! sadly, they both looked like this. One was in Missouri!! (They weren’t there 25 years ago!)
Always bring your butt paste on hikes!! hahahaha – seriously though, I looked for sunscreen at no less than 5 stores including a pharmacy, and everyone looked at me like I was crazy when I asked. I guess they don’t believe in skin cancer here?? like, wtf??
Since this was my first trip (outside of Baton Rouge airport) to Louisiana, I couldn’t pass up getting a Po’ Boy!! This catfish version was deeeeeelish! Not surprised about the proliferation of styrofoam – I can’t remember the last time I had a drink in a styrofoam cup!
The city park in Arcadia, LA. I’d like to know the history of the bleachers/amphitheater (that’s a stage in the yellow building). Seems like something from 100 years ago. Sadly, there’s no bathrooms at the park. You know kids have to use the bathroom, right?!
Not sure what kind of flowers/trees these are but they were beautiful!!

From here I drove to Northwest Arkansas to stay at The Lodge at Mount Magazine, and then hiked Mount Magazine (Signal Hill) the next morning.

Louisiana Observations:

  • no sunscreen ANYWHERE! (Katt points out that if the murder rate is so high, you’re likely to be “done kilt” before you could die of skin cancer anyway…
  • Cypress swamps under every bridge – no creeks that I saw
  • Hotels were super spendy
  • Two Armadillos!
  • Albino turkey?!?!
  • Lots of closed businesses and abandoned houses; abject poverty
  • No Trump or rebel flags observed anywhere

Photos from my completed highpoints are here: US State Highpoints

My list of highpoints still remaining is here: US State Highpoint bucketlist

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