Skiing Mt. Hood Meadows, Oregon

***Disclaimer***: A waayyyy too long video with no real substance – clearly I was having way too much fun with Apple’s iMovie here as well as Garage Band…. sorry if you came here for quality content or information; you’re not gonna get it!

Danielle, Katt and I ski at Mt. Hood Meadows during Spring Break – Danielle was visiting from Minnesota and rented a pair of sweet telemark skis!!

Landing Rwy 26, Astoria, Oregon (AST)

Here we fly a low approach to land on Runway 26 at Astoria International, Warrenton, Oregon. I flew in a crab until near the threshold with a small right crosswind. We are coming in over Youngs RIver Bay on the ILS approach (clearly we’re not flying the ILS). If you don’t want to fly in these conditions on the coast, you’re not going to be flying much!