Seattle-area Ski Areas

Thiokol snow cat at Badger Mountain Ski Area

Time and Distance Chart to ski areas in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Canada from Lake City, Seattle 98125. Time (hh:mm)from Seattle Distance (miles) from Seattle Ski Area Name State/Prov. 1:09 61 Summit at Snoqulamie / Alpental WA 1:30 71 Stevens Pass WA 1:59 91 Crystal Mountain Resort WA 2:18 107 Leavenworth Ski Hill WA … Read more

Skiing Mt St Helens – 2012

***Disclaimer***: A waayyyy too long video with no real substance – clearly I was having way too much fun with Apple’s iMovie here as well as Garage Band…. sorry if you came here for quality content or information; you’re not gonna get it! I’m happy about the screenshot of me skiing a steep line but this vid does not stand the test of time.

Katt, a friend and his dog and I haul a sled full of food and beer to the base of St. Helens, and debut our GoPro Hero cams – the mountain is completely bare and the skiing sucks ass and so do we!

Skiing Mt. Hood Meadows, Oregon

***Disclaimer***: A waayyyy too long video with no real substance – clearly I was having way too much fun with Apple’s iMovie here as well as Garage Band…. sorry if you came here for quality content or information; you’re not gonna get it!

Danielle, Katt and I ski at Mt. Hood Meadows during Spring Break – Danielle was visiting from Minnesota and rented a pair of sweet telemark skis!!