Ski Goat Rocks, Juneuary 2023

Forecast for the weekend was pretty crappy for basically everything, but as soon as we saw the forecast for snow in the mountains, we decided to go for it! First trip into the Goat Rocks wilderness! Goat Rocks have been on my bucketlist since I first saw them while climbing Tahoma waaaay back in 2001. … Read more

Chinook Pass / Naches Peak, June 2023

Katt, Riley, and I did a “birthday tour” by climbing and skiing Naches Peak (~6360′) at Chinook Pass, WA on June 4th. Although the snow looked more like early July with all the suncups, there was plenty to go around and it was absolutely GORGEOUS up there! Best, Chinook Pass is the NE border to … Read more

Ski Artist Point, May 2023

Danielle, Katt. Riley and I skied Artist Point from Heather Meadows on May 20th. We camped in the valley the night before and cooked red pepper pasta for dinner, and a brisket and potato hash for breakfast. Yum! Unfortunately due to the unseasonably warm conditions, the snow hadn’t “corned up,” and to make matters worse, … Read more

Ski Tronsen Meadows 2022-2023

One of our favorite places to ski is Blewett Pass / Tronsen Meadows, as there’s a network of cross-country ski trails, dry snow, and most importantly, hardly any people! Since it’s not hammered with tourons like Stevens and Snoqualmie passes, we can let Riley and Mickey run free and we’ve nary seen a soul out … Read more

Ski Willamette Pass POW, March 2023

Last year, my brothers Mike and Kev and I skied Hoodoo, which we determined to be our first of many annual “Ski Bros” vacations. This year we originally planned to Ski Bluewood, but Kev’s wife broke her leg just days before the trip so we reorganized and drove down to his place for a trip … Read more

Ski and Soak Vacation 2023

This year we decided a mid-winter “ski and soak” vacation was in order. So we set out in early February to Montana! Day 1: Lookout Pass Ski Area I first skied Lookout Pass in 2000 when it consisted of a single lift and I could barely ski! This year we got to ski Lift FIVE … Read more